It's kind of amazing that I blog. Generally I am the very last person to get on board with any kind of new technology/application. I was last to get a cordless phone, cable, email, a cell phone, etc. My TV is about 15 years old. Of course, once I'm dragged (kicking and screaming) into the current decade; all my complaining turns to "wow, how did I ever live without my cordless phone, cable, email, cell phone, etc.?"
TMI Alert...
TMI Alert...
Now once again, I have been thrown on to the bandwagon and am finally (gasp!) texting. Oooh. I'm so modern. I'm so today. After digging in my heels like a two-year-old; I reluctantly started texting last month (complaining all the while). But as the weeks have gone by, I'm suddenly (omg) initiating texts. I've stopped rolling my eyes. And the other night, texting turned my tedious train ride into something super fun, good and…repeatable. I am so there with the texting now. I am Thoroughly Modern Maria.
So…um…hair care? Texting? Wha?
Yeah, yeah, I know. But it's actually not such a far reach (compared to my usual reachiness). Maybe not everyone gets squirley-eyed at gadgets like I do; but there are lots of folks out there who for what ever reason, dig in their heels when it comes to this modern, newfangled safety/ecology/green/sustainable business. And of course everyone generally calms down when good things like better gas mileage, cleaner air, safer products, etc. start to materialize. I really think it will be an awesome thing when green/sustainable/earth-friendly becomes the ordinary thing that everyone just takes for granted. OK, time to climb off my soap box (Get it? Soap? Shampoo? Okay, sorry.)
This week, I've been trying out the new Concept Vert (Green Concept) line from Privé.
So…um…hair care? Texting? Wha?
Yeah, yeah, I know. But it's actually not such a far reach (compared to my usual reachiness). Maybe not everyone gets squirley-eyed at gadgets like I do; but there are lots of folks out there who for what ever reason, dig in their heels when it comes to this modern, newfangled safety/ecology/green/sustainable business. And of course everyone generally calms down when good things like better gas mileage, cleaner air, safer products, etc. start to materialize. I really think it will be an awesome thing when green/sustainable/earth-friendly becomes the ordinary thing that everyone just takes for granted. OK, time to climb off my soap box (Get it? Soap? Shampoo? Okay, sorry.)
This week, I've been trying out the new Concept Vert (Green Concept) line from Privé.

Sulfate and Paraben Free – it is not so much what is in Concept Vert, but what is not. In addition, there are no phthalates, gluten, PABA, mineral oil, paraffin, DEA, TEA or artificial colors and we NEVER test on animals!
So now that I've exhausted you with my preachiness this morning; I have to say that even if you didn't give a damn about the earth, you would be thrilled to use this fabulous shampoo and conditioner! Thrilled!
First, the shampoo: un-freaking-believably luxurious. I used this after a really long, hot, grubby day; and my frizzy, tangled up hair just melted into submission. My hair was ridiculously soft (but not weighed down). The conditioner is also just crazy excellent. It softened and detangled immediately. My hair looked shinier and bouncier all day. The packaging – also spectacular. The pump creates a thick foam that's easy to apply (instead of running through your fingers and down the drain). And a little is all you need (about ½ pump for my medium length hair).
Just in case I haven't been clear: these are awesome, fabulous, amazing hair care products. A+.
I'm thinking that maybe the rest of Privé may be equally impressive, so I'm planning to check out the website some more. I will use the newfangled internet to do this. For my blog. (btw: I still have no immediate plans to tweet. But you never know what may be next. I think my tape recorder is starting to go.)
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