Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wash Up: 13 Soap Unlucky for Dirt from LUSH

It is now officially after Labor Day. Time to put away your white shoes (especially if you’re a man) and start thinking about the fall. Fall makeup, fall scents, fall colors…and time to start getting back in the habit of taking good health precautions as flu season approaches (of course, I’m positive none of you lovely readers have even fallen out of the habit…this is for your “friends”).

And I’ll be darned if the folks at LUSH haven’t managed to turn something as tedious as hand washing and flu prevention into a lovely pampering experience. Their new soap contains fabulous antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-everything-bad oregano oil. Once again, LUSH, you rock. Please read the info I got (all of it – not just the fun parts)…

Handwashing 101: bar vs. liquid soap

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), washing hands is the single most important act to help stop the spread of disease and stay healthy. That’s because, 80% of all infections may be transmitted through our hands. In an interview today about an inevitable influx of swine cases this fall, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said that, “the best thing we can all do are the very simple things, the washing of the hands, the coughing into the sleeve.” With flu scares increasing and kids heading back to school, the greatest way to fight disease is to go back to basics.

An ancient remedy for fighting disease, oregano oil is a naturally powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic and has been proven to break down “super bugs.” In 2004, Georgetown University released a report that it destroys antibiotic-resistant super germs such as the MRSA virus, which kills at least 12,000/year, mostly hospital staff. Do what nurses do and find a soap that uses oregano oil, such as LUSH Cosmetics’ new 13 Soap Unlucky for Dirt, for its natural, helpful properties.

Bar soap is more hygienic than liquid because it does not contain water, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. Bar soap naturally fights off bacteria as opposed to liquid soap that has to be contained in environmentally damaging plastic bottles.

The act of washing hands is essential because according to the CDC, an estimated 40 million adults get sick from germs transmitted on dirty hands (yuck!). It is vital to wash hands for at least 20 seconds (sing Happy Birthday twice), but it is just as important to use a bar of soap. A bar of soap physically removes bacteria and other germs off skin and hands.

If you follow these basic tips and the others lectured by your mother, such as “Keep your hands out of your mouth,” “Stop rubbing your eyes” and “Don’t touch that” you should be safe and healthy this cold and flu season.

1 comment:

  1. hi there is some fab info here , simlar to the stuff i found in uk , myself and sue created this soap along with guys in the lush factory etc ... and if you go to uk lush website and read the reviews of our customers you will see lots of thumbs up , but best one must be the lady who has MRSA !...IF IM ALLOWED TO COPY AND PASTE LET ME KNOW
