Restorative Hair Treatment

Restorative Leave-In (for Reds)

Yay! Items like these mean that there are many happy hair days ahead! The Restorative Hair Treatment is a spectacular deep conditioning mask! It’s also a bit out of the ordinary. For one thing, it’s applied directly to dry (unwashed) hair. It’s almost solid coming out of the jar, and you need to soften it in your hands before working it through. I followed the instructions, worked it into my hair and then followed the suggestions for using it as an overnight mask (see helpful overnight hair tip below*). In the morning I woke up, rinsed and then shampooed. My hair was crazy soft! I couldn’t believe it. After it was partially dry, I worked some of the Leave-In through my hair, and then let it dry naturally. Amazing! My hair was baby soft and shiny, and there were no flyaways or frizz all day. The Leave-in also has a bit of a “sparkle” which looked really cool in the sunshine.
Believe it or not, this was my first time really checking out Ojon. I’ve done a little spritzing and sniffing here and there at Sephora; but never really got around to giving this brand a serious try. And I have no idea what took me so long. I absolutely loved both products and can’t wait to check out more.
As always, there’s tons more information to be found on the website. Definitely take a look at the special offers section (right now you can get a free Shine and Protect Leave-In Glossing Cream with all orders over $50). And read about their special ingredients and product launches. Ojon is available at places like Sephora, Ulta and Nordstrom. You can also check the where to buy section for a list of local shops and salons.
Have a lovely weekend!
*Helpful overnight hair tip: I know the directions always tell you to use a shower cap when doing an overnight hair treatment. I don’t know why they do that. If you sleep in a plastic shower cap; it will make crackly noises, and your head will get very hot. Which means you won’t get any sleep. Which means that the next morning you will have gorgeous hair and hideous red, baggy eyes. Instead of the shower cap, try a bandana (I have a yellow one just for this purpose). Tie it around your head and then tuck the back corner in before tightening the knot. The knot will be at the base of your head (which won’t interfere with sleep); and the sturdy fabric will breathe, but still keep all the goo off of your face, pillowcase and linens. Seven or eight hours is plenty of time for your treatment to be fully absorbed.

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