Thank you, everyone, I just needed to complain for a bit. Those of you who read my blog know how cranky I get when plans go awry. But I fully understand that this is not the worst thing in the world. I also seem to remember that when stuff like this happens, life has a strange, unforeseen way of turning out better than I expected. I don’t know why that is, but it seems to be the norm more than the exception. So I’ll stop whining and start thinking about how beautiful and magical the snow looks falling outside of my window. And how grateful I am to safe, warm and probably exactly where I need to be a this moment.
What’s that? No I did not forget that this is a beauty blog! Not for one teensy minute! I'm afraid I don’t have a cheesy tie-in to today’s review though. But I don’t think I need one. Today’s fabulous little bottle of gorgeousness comes from the wonderful folks (les gens merveilleux) at Darphin Paris.
Jasmine Aromatic Care

Oh wait! I just thought of a tie-in! I finally get to sing O Holy Night tomorrow in a concert…and I get to sing part of it in French! I’m pretty excited about that. But see? French? Darphin Paris? Hmmm…I need to stop now and get on with the review, don’t I?
Okay then…This is one of the most fabulous, lovely, luxurious things I have ever had the privilege of wearing on my skin. I wish it wasn’t so pricey; because I would put it in the bathwater if I could. Instead, I just put it on my face. I use it like a moisturizer at night, and my skin loves it! It smells heavenly, absorbs quickly, soothes, hydrates and makes my skin petal soft. In the morning my skin is still soft and balanced. It’s made with the “right” kind of oils, so it doesn’t clog pores or cause breakouts. I really love using it right now because the air is so dry (especially at night). And the little bit of luxury before bed time is pretty awesome.
The website is basically one deluxe, fabulous-looking product after another. Darphin is also found at Blue Mercury (and fancy stores like Bergdorf Goodman and Neiman Marcus).

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