So I got to browsing online (just browsing, mind you) and found three frilly, girly, have-doors-opened-for-you, bat-your-eyelashes dresses…on sale!
Folks, Macy's is having an Easter sale. Clothing, Accessories, Bed & Bath, Home, Kids, Jewelry and my dresses:
London Times Sleeveless Floral Dress (Reg. $109.00, Sale $81.75)

Alfani Flutter-Sleeve Ruffled Dress (Orig. $89.00, Now $66.75)

AGB Sleeveless Belted Floral Print Sheath Dress (Reg. $64.00, Sale $41.60)

Ooooooh!. Aaaaaah! AND…Macy’s is offering 99¢ shipping with any purchase of $99 or more. Now I haven’t gone completely crazy. I fully realize that 57 degrees is not sleeveless dress weather. I will definitely do the sensible thing (like maybe check out some sweaters).
I'm also browsing online for Clothing, Accessories, Bed & Bath, Home, Kids, Jewelry and my Dresses: At last I have got it. Thanks for sharing such post....