Friday, December 17, 2010

Hair Care Friday: Cutler Specialist Cleanser + Conditioner with Olive Oil for Dry, Damaged Hair (review)

It’s Friday night and I have gotten almost nothing done on my “to do” list. I recently signed up for Netflix, and I spent waaay too much time adding things to my queue and watching old TV episodes on my computer. It’s pretty awesome. But not very productive. Especially when I’m supposed to be getting ready for my Christmas trip next week.

Okay. So I’m not quite ready to do anything yet; but maybe if I talk about one of the products I’m taking with me; it will get me started. Some nifty hair care from Cutler.

Specialist Cleanser + Conditioner with Olive Oil for Dry, Damaged Hair

Blurb: Why simply shampoo your hair when this one product can do so much more? This specially-formulated Cleanser + Conditioner is a revolutionary way to cleanse and achieve healthy-looking, shiny hair that's soft and bouncy - with just one product! Specially formulated for dry, damaged hair can be used in place of shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner, de-tangler, anti-frizz, shaving cream and body wash. Single-step, detergent-free formula cleans, conditions and defrizzes hair without lather. Detergent-free formula helps minimize color-fading, loss of elasticity and natural oils. Helps add body and shine to hair. Leaves your hair looking and feeling beautiful and healthy.

Now I actually like all the gazillion beauty steps, like shampooing, conditioning, leave-in, etc., etc. However, the TSA has made it their business to stamp out both terrorism and good grooming. Trying to bring lots of bottles in my carry-on seems to cause all kinds of commotion; so I really make an effort to pare down my beauty regimen (I do it for America and to keep my fellow passengers from hating my guts).

This product is coming with me to Christmas! I used a smaller amount than recommended in the directions, and still got clean, shiny, soft hair. It cleaned well, conditioned well; and it’s detergent-free, so my color is safe. I also tried it as a body wash, and got excellent results. And it made a surprisingly good shaving cream!

Check out the rest of the products on their very cool fancy website. You can also find Cutler at HSN.

One of the things I’ve been watching tonight are old episodes from The Office. Here’s one of my favorite scenes ever…

Have a great weekend!

P.S.: Sorry I missed yesterday’s post.

(ftc disclosure: sample/product received from manufacturer or representative)


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